School Supply List
School Supply Lists
1st Grade
2nd Grade
- Backpack- no wheels (they do not fit in the lockers
- Reusable water bottle
- 1 box of Crayola crayons (24 count)
- 1 box washable Crayola markers
- 1 box of Crayola colored pencils
- 1 pencil box (not pouch), approximately 8.3” x 5.3” x 2.5”
- 1 headphone or earphones with microphone (to use with Chromebook)
- 2 black and white composition notebooks
- 2 folders
- 1 pair blunt tip 5" scissors
- 3 boxes facial tissues (Kleenex)
- 1 box Ziploc bags (sandwich size) ✶ Optional ✶
3rd Grade
- 5 boxes #2 pencils (12ct.)
- 1 box colored pencils (12 ct.)
- 10 dry erase markers
- 2 highlighters
- 3 glue sticks
- 1 pair blunt tip 5” scissors
- 5 black and white composition notebooks
- 1 Post-it note pad (any size)
- 3 boxes facial tissues
- 2 rolls paper towels
- 6 two-pocket folders with prongs (red, yellow, blue, green, orange, & purple or black)
- 1 pair earbuds/headphones (to use with chromebooks)
- 2 packs wide-ruled paper
- Disinfecting wipes
- Boys: Ziploc seal top bags (sandwich size)
- Girls: Ziploc seal top bags (gallon size)
4th Grade
- 3 B & W marble cover composition books
- 6 boxes #2 pencils (12ct.)
- 1 box chisel point dry erase markers (4-8 ct.)
- 1 1” binder with pockets with front clear cover
- 1 box Crayola crayons (16-24 ct.)
- 1 box of color pencils
- 1 box Crayola markers (8 ct.) ✶ ▣ 2 pkgs. glue sticks
- 1 pkg. dividers (8ct.)
- 1 pkg. highlighters ✶
- 5 two-pocket folders with prongs (2-red, 1-blue, & 1-orange, 1-green) ✶
- 1 pair safety scissors ✶
- 1 plastic pencil bag with zipper ✶
- 2 pair earbuds (to use with chrome books)
- 1 disinfecting wipes container
- 4 facial tissues
- 1 roll paper towels
- Boys: 1 box of Ziploc bags (quarts size)
- Girls: 1 box of Ziploc bags (gallon size) Optional:
- Post- it notes ✶
- 1 pkg. index cards (4x6) & (5x7) ✶ ▣Lysol ✶
- ✶ For students in Dual Language only.
5th Grade
- 1 pair earbuds (to use with Chrome books)
- 4 two-pocket folders (plastic preferred)
- 2 pack lined notebook paper
- 1 pack of glue sticks (3-5 count)
- 5 composition notebooks
- 5 boxes #2 pencils (12-18 ct.)
- 1 box of colored pencils
- 1 pack of erasers (3-5 count)
- 1 pack of washable markers
- 2 rolls of paper towels
- 1 pair safety scissors
- 3 boxes facial tissues (Kleenex)
- 10 dry erase markers
Girls: 1 box Ziploc bags (gallon size) Boys: 1 box Ziploc bag (sandwich size)